Pledge #1
Certified Quality in Canned Fish and Seafood
Conservas Antonio Alonso S.A. – Palacio de Oriente guarantees the high quality of their canned fish and seafood with the most prestigious regional, national and international certifications:

Blue MSC Label
The blue label from MSC for certified Sustainable Fishing is only awarded to fish or seafood that comes from fisheries that truly meet the standards set by the Marine Stewardship Council, an entity that safeguards the best practices established by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and ISEAL.

Consejo Consello Regulador da Agricultura Ecolóxica de Galicia
The MSC albacore in organic virgin-extra olive oil and the ecological mussels in organic pickled sauce from Palacio de Oriente have the stamp of the Consello Regulador da Agricultura Ecolóxica de Galicia (CRAEGA), a body in charge of controlling and certifying organic production in Galicia, attested by ENAC Nº 78/C – PR152.
Consejo Regulador de la Agricultura Ecológica (CRAE) de Cantabria
For their part, our MSC anchovies in organic virgin-extra olive oil have the endorsement of the Cantabrian Consejo Regulador de la Agricultura Ecológica (CRAE), who awards its certifications through the Oficina de Calidad Alimentaria (the ODECA office for food quality), with the code ES-ECO-015-CN.

DOP Mejillón de Galicia (Protected Designation of Origin for Galician Mussels)
Conservas Antonio Alonso S.A. markets Palacio de Oriente mussels under the Denominación de Origen Protegida Mejillón de Galicia (Protected Designation of Origin for Galician Mussels). Mussels that have this certificate have been subjected to a thorough control to verify its origin and guarantee its quality. This rigorous check is performed by the certification and control technicians of the DOP’s regulating body, in collaboration with Bureau Veritas.

IFS Food
Conservas Antonio Alonso S.A. has the IFS (International Food Standard) certification, accredited by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative), which ensures the safety and quality of all the food products processed by the company. This regulation audits six areas of the business: management and commitment; safety management systems and the quality of the food products; resource management; operating processes; measurements; analysis and improvement; and the Food Defense plan.

Conservas Antonio Alonso S.A. has the necessary permits to export to the United States, issued by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the American agency that regulates food, cosmetics and drug products, among others.
A Brand with High International Potential
The Forum of “Renowned Spanish Brands” included Conservas Antonio Alonso S.A. and Palacio de Oriente on its list of “Brands with High International Potential”. This organization, with a public-private status, aims to boost business internationalization as a key element to increase the competitiveness of the Spanish economy.

Pescaderías Label
Conservas Antonio Alonso S.A. has achieved pescadeRías identity mark after compliance with the audit for bivalve molluscs that guarantees the origin from Galician artisanal fishing. This identity mark come up in the Consellería do Mar (Regional Office of Maritime Affairs) from the Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government) in 2008 and ensures Galician origin, freshness of seafood products and compliance of member companies with the highest quality and sustainability standards.